After an enjoyable SoulCollage process with our ATS group this morning, I am feeling so very grateful for our ATS group and the wonderful people who come to the gatherings! It truly warms my heart.
April will be the last month for awhile that we will be meeting on our usual first and third Saturdays of the month. In May and over the summer, my travels won’t allow for that.
We will meet next on Saturday, April 5, from 10-12 at our usual gathering place at Ancient Future, and again on Saturday, April 19 from 10-12, at our usual Davis gathering place–the Davis Holisitic Health Center. I will be offering a longer meditation, followed by my sharing of the best of the spiritual teachings I have been absorbing for the past two years. We will also have a question/answer format after I provide an initial presentation. It will be a Part I (Sac) and Part 2 (Davis) presentation once again, and once again you can come to either or both. I should have plenty to share so that I won’t need to repeat myself.
In May, we will meet just once–on Saturday, May 24, 10-12, at the Davis Holistic Health Center. The other weekends I will be out of town. During our May gathering, I will share and we will discuss Adyashanti’s teachings.
As always, please email me if you do plan to attend any of these events.
We may meet in June but it will probably be in Davis on the third Saturday; still to be determined.
Please mark your calendar for a very special ATS event on Saturday, July 12 event with Ross Oldenstadt. This event will take place from 10-12 at the Center for Spiritual Awareness in W. Sacramento. Ross is only 31 years old, and very awake in the world. He hails from Eugene Oregon. He will lead us in meditation and will then offer a satsang and answer any questions the group may have. To sit in his presence will give you a taste of deep abiding ease, peace and joy, if nothing else. But that is enough, isn’t it? Note that this gathering will be our only ATS gathering in July. Ross will also offer an event for the public from 2-6 pm. More details to follow here.