On Saturday, February 22 from 10 am to noon, we will continue to work with individual shadow. I will offer writing and dyad exercises where you will be further discovering elements of inner shadow. This is the first important step in bringing your shadow to light in order to have acceptance of it and possible transformation. Note that you do not have to have attended last month’s introduction to shadow work. Fee will be the usual $5. New folks are welcome!
On Saturday, March 21, from 11 am to 1 pm (not our usual time frame), we will have the honor and privelege of having Joan Tollifson join with us for a live Zoom (video) session. Joan lives in the Ashland, OR area and is not travelling these days, but is able to join with us on the Zoom platform. (We have a large mounted TV screen in the library room on which to see her–one of the big advantages to our new gathering venue.) Joan will be discussing her latest book: Death: The End of Self-Improvement. She has written a number of wonderful books on nondual spiritual wisdom. I recommend you read at least a portion of this book if you plan to join with us. And the focus of Joan’s book fits right in with our shadow work, as I think you will appreciate when you read it. The book also contains useful information on spiritual awakening. The cost for this gathering will be $5 for the usual room rental fee plus a donation for Joan. It is recommended that the donation be at least $20 but up to you. (Flyer attached.)