December Gathering and Next Year

Hi Friends.

This month we will be engaging in another i-Rest practice, with the focus on living in abiding joy. We will meet at our usual day and time: Saturday, December 19 from 10 am to noon, at the Davis Holistic Health Center.

Beginning in January, our format will change.  We will continue with the i-Rest sessions but they will take place every other month instead of monthly.  During the alternate months we will go back to our earlier format of group meditation and nondual spiritual exploration and discussion, with periodic guest presenters.

For the January 16 meeting we will enjoy our annual SoulCollage card creations: to usher out what isn’t serving our souls and attract in what does–for the New Year of 2016.  If you have never created SoulCollage Cards, you are in for a treat!  Please check in with me to find out more about them, and visit the website

Feel free to bring a friend or family member to any of our events.  Just let me know how many will be coming.

Happy Holidays, dear ones!



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