Hi ATS Friends and Newcomers!
Happy Spring!
For our April 15 gathering, Deborah will lead the ATS group through some meditations and experiential exercises on tapping into our body’s wisdom to work through unpleasant or disturbing emotions and as a way to heal the body/mind and clear the way for awakening. Deborah will include some of the i-Rest teachings as well as Somatic Experiencing processes and other body-mind techniques. Deborah is a certified i-Rest teacher and in her third year of training to become a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.
Please email Deborah if you plan to attend or not.
Exciting news for Saturday, June 17 event!
Amoda Maa will return for a full day –10 am to 4 pm–due to popular demand!
This one day Living Your Awakening in Every Moment intensive is an opportunity to dive deeper into the inquiry as to what stands in the way of living your awakening in every moment. Amoda Maa invites you to meet the full depth and breadth of your human experience with courage and tender honesty, and offers guidance about the process of awakening and its embodiment from mind to heart to belly. There will be time for silent and guided meditation, discourse, and questions & answers.
Amoda Maa will be accompanied by her husband and beloved, Kavi, who will support the guided meditation with his ambient guitar music.
Amoda Maa is a contemporary spiritual teacher, author, and speaker. After years of spiritual seeking, meditation, and immersion in psychospiritual practices, an experience of the dark night of the soul led her to a profound inner awakening. Then, after a long period of integration, she began speaking from silence in small gatherings. She offers meetings and retreats, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and events, attracting spiritual seekers and people looking for peace and fulfillment in an increasingly chaotic world. Her teachings are free of religion and tradition, and she brings to them a deep understanding of the human journey, born out of her own experience.
Amoda’s newly released book Embodied Enlightenment (New Harbinger, June 2017) is based on her vision for humanity and the conversations on the cutting edge of spiritual inquiry in her meetings with people from all around the world. She is also author of Radical Awakening (Watkins, 2015) and Change Your Life, Change Your World (Watkins, 2012). To learn more, visit http://www.amodamaa.com
Please email Deborah if you plan to attend. Cost will be $90 with a sliding scale down to $75.