I am excited about the Sunday October 15th intensive with Jac O’Keeffe! She will offer a satsang from 10 am to 4 pm at the Davis Holistic Health Center at 1403 Fifth Street. Cost is $90 if you pay before October 1, and $100 after October 1 and at the door.
Jac experienced a spontaneous awakening in 1997 gaining access to powerful and intuitive healing capacities. She left a successful career pioneering national community arts policy in Ireland to establish a healing practice. Working with a medical team, Jac explored the spiritual causes underpinning a range of psychiatric illness, culminating in the development of residential programs for people with clinical depression. In 2003, she moved to India to intensify her own spiritual practice. After a two-year period without thoughts, Jac began to teach. Since 2008, Jac guides others in her teachings and publications to transcend both dual and non dual perspectives. She also prepares spiritual teachers for liberation. www.jac-okeeffe.com and www.goinghomeguide.com
To pre-register, pay before October 1 using the Paypal link on my website, https://soulwisdomtherapy.com/policies.html When I see that you have paid $90 I will know that it is for the Jac intensive. Please let me know if you’d like me to email you a receipt.
I hope you can come! Please share this info with friends and family.