Upcoming Fall Events

After a bit of a summer break, we are gearing up for regular fall gatherings again in both Davis and Sacramento.  However, we are in the process of looking for a new venue for our monthly Sacramento meetings.  Sadly, our meeting place at Ancient Future on K St. is closing this fall. We will miss meeting there!  I am checking out some other meeting possibilities in mid-town.  Assuming I find one soon, we will next meet in Sacramento on Saturday, October 11, from 10 am until noon.  (We normally meet the first Saturday of each month in Sacramento but the first Saturday in October I will be attending a reunion.)  We will meet at our usual Davis venue–the Davis Holistic Health Center, on Saturday, September 20 from 10 am until 12.  For the first of our upcoming fall gatherings in Davis, I will lead us in a meditation and after that we will discuss Adyashanti’s book, “The End of Your World.”

As always, please email me if you plan to attend, and/or if you want to be on the ATS email listserve to be notified about our upcoming gatherings.  Can’t wait to see everyone again and meet some new folks!







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